Saturday, March 14, 2009

New Buys

Vintage wood gloss heart-clasp purse

I've been going a little crazy with eBay lately, but boredom can do that to you...Luckily, though, I have actually gone out into the real world and purchased a couple things in an actual store, too. I can't wait for some of my new things to arrive (slow mail is so annoying), so I can do a larger outfit post. Here are just a few pictures of the new things I actually have with me right now.
Black sundress: See by Chloe
Red belted shorts: birthday gift
Pink/brown/white geometric bag: Vintage 
White floral headpiece: Vintage (found on eBay)

And just a little bonus from my birthday is this:

It is a chunky knitted hat from the Marc Jacobs FW 07 Show! It is an acquired taste, but it's so warm, comfy and it's weird in a way I love. I picked it up at a vintage store, and received it for my birthday! I need to wear it before winter ends...

And my outfit from yesterday:

Off to do something or other...


  1. oh my gosh, I ADORE that first bag, it's so cuteeeee!!!

  2. Thank you! I saw it at the vintage store where I got it from about a year ago, but never got it. I went back yesterday and couldn't find it until I asked and it was hidden in some nook! I was so happy to find it :)
